
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Rat outbreak

Another bright idea by environmentalists. 
Quick observation: isn't composting food, rather than disposing of food, going to be a magnet for rats? Won't that policy invite rat infestation–with all the predictable and attendant public health hazards? Do we want residential neighbors to be overrun by rats? 


  1. Yup, it happens :

  2. Yeah, well... Who cares?

    Seattle residents voted for the city council members.
    If Seattle didn't want rat infestations (and onerous municipal over-regulation) they would've voted in different city council members.

    They get the government they deserve.

  3. "It remains unclear whether or not Seattle law enforcement will search through residents’ trash in order to catch violators."

    They will probably charge the trash collectors to keep their eyes open... unless they want to harass someone. In that case, they'll send lawmen with a warrant to inspect the garbage. At those low-ball fines, however, I imagine that they only made the law either to appease a high-profile environmentalist in the town or earn political capital against some movement on some related issue.
