
Saturday, August 02, 2014

More Jewish than Jews

Schlessinger began her August 5 program by noting that, prior to each broadcast, she spends an hour reading faxes from fans and listeners. “By and large the faxes from Christians have been very loving, very supportive,” she said. “From my own religion, I have either gotten nothing, which is 99% of it, or two of the nastiest letters I have gotten in a long time. I guess that’s my point — I don’t get much back. Not much warmth coming back.”

This exposes a paradox in contemporary Judaism. On the one hand, I assume the primary constituency for right-wing Jewish talk-show hosts like Michael Medved and Dennis Prager comes from the evangelical community. Conversely, you have rampant anti-Semitism within Jewish ranks. For instance:

Ironically, there's a sense in which many evangelicals are more Jewish than many Jews. 

1 comment:

  1. But it is not as though the word of God has failed. For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel,
