
Thursday, July 03, 2014

Are Christians in the Midst of a 'Social Secession?'


  1. Money shot:

    "I’d counter with a different construct: Ideologically aggressive government and its cultural allies are taking a pronounced turn toward social aggression: expanding the reach of government into decisions that American culture and norms have traditionally left to the private sphere. That is not a good idea. When government power intrudes upon Christian conscience, both sides lose, but government ultimately loses more."

  2. Something else that I've noticed is that homosexual advocates will often snarkily comment that gay marriage doesn't hurt society or Christians in any way. But yet if city hall puts a nativity scene on the lawn, or if a judge puts a representation of the ten commandments in a courtroom (which hurts them in no way), many atheists and seculars collectively flip out - some, like Dan Barker, even going so far as to bring lawsuits.
