
Thursday, July 17, 2014

9 things you should know about Mormonism


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's interesting to note that both the Mormon Jesus and the Mormon Lucifer depicted in this short film fit within an Arminian free-will theist framework contra Calvinism. In fact the soteriological position staked out by "Lucifer" in Mormonism's alleged Heavenly Council scenario (based on their eisegesis of Psalm 82) sounds eerily similar to Roger Olson's caricature of "the God of Calvinism".

  3. Hmmm, that would explain why Orson Scott Card's Speaker for the Dead has such obvious disdain for Calvinism. That didn't occur to me at the time I was reading it.

    1. I've only watched the movie for Ender's Game, never read any of Card's stuff, but it's virtually impossible for his incipient Mormon worldview not to spill over into his writing.

      The various opponents who align themselves against Reformed theology make for strange bedfellows. The unifying thread amongst them can be neatly reduced to some variation of who is really in charge, God or man.

      Since the fall man in his heart has sought to usurp his Maker in one form or another.

    2. His Mormonism isn't really evident in the books Ender's Game or Ender's Shadow. It's not overly evident, as I recall, in Speaker for the death either. But it's is most clear in Xenocide and Children of the Mind. I haven't read anything else from Card. But the reason your obersavtion struck me was because I never made the specific connection between that and how it probably effects his view of Calvinism. Throughout the books, he takes a very pluralistic approach to religion. For instance, he's pretty fair to Catholics. The only real disdain he shows towards religious belief is in Calvinism (and I suppose in the religion of Path, to the extent it has similarities to Calvinism).
