
Monday, June 02, 2014

Coming out videos

SBC pastor Danny Cortez is making waves:

In August of 2013, on a sunny day at the beach, I realized I no longer believed in the traditional teachings regarding homosexuality.
As I was trying to figure out what to tell my church, I was driving in the car with my 15-year-old son Drew when a song on the radio came on. I asked Drew who sang it, and he said, “Mackelmore.” And then he asked me why I was interested in it. I told him that I liked the song. He was startled and he asked me if I knew that the song’s message was gay affirming. I told him that I did know and that’s why I liked the song. I also told him that I no longer believed what I used to believe.
As we got out of the car, I could tell he was puzzled. so I asked him what he was thinking. In the parking lot, he told me in a nervous voice, “Dad, I’m gay.” My heart skipped a beat and I turned towards him and we gave one another the biggest and longest hug as we cried. And all I could tell him was that I loved him so much and that I accepted him just as he is.
I couldn’t help but think that my 15 year journey was in preparation for that moment. If it wasn’t for this 15 year journey and my change in theology, I may have destroyed my son through reparative therapy.

It's tough to be a parent. That said, let's consider a few comparisons:

i) There are devout Christian parents who raise their kids in the faith, yet their kids leave the faith. That's heartbreaking. 

Is the proper reaction to say, "Well, I used to think it was all-important to follow Jesus, but now that my own kid turned his back on Christ, I guess it's not terribly important after all." Or is the proper reaction to continue to pray for your straying child?

ii) As a parent, you oppose cocaine and heroine. Suppose your son or daughter becomes addicted. Do you suddenly reverse your position on drugs? "Well, I used to think a heroine habit was a bad thing, but now that my daughter is a junkie, I guess it's not so bad after all."

iii) Imagine if you're the parents of Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer. Imagine what it feels like to discover that your son is a serial killer. 

Does the fact that your son has been outed, or come out of the closet, as a serial killer, change your views on serial murder? "Well, I used to think serial murder, necrophilia, and cannibalism were evil, but now that I find out that that's what my son is into, I accept him just the way he is." 

1 comment:

  1. All I can say to his congregation is: "Don't walk, but run to the doors!"

    Danny won't want for gay affirming employment opportunities, speaking engagements, endorsements, etc. However he has "outed" himself as a hireling false-shepherd, and by his refusal to teach sound doctrine and earnestly contend for the truth once and for all delivered to the saints he has disqualified himself from the ministry.
