
Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Through atheist eyes

Here is a reddit thread where atheists including several apostates weigh in on Calvinism. Warning: bad language.

That said, it's interesting to see them admit the following:

[joshTheGoods] As an aside, Calvinism is IMHO the most honest sect of Christianity.

[deleted] I agree with your aside there. While I'll never understand the hold christianity has on them, the Calvinists truly try to understand their religion philosophically through the scriptures and I've had some interesting debates.

[deleted] To be fair, this ["predetermination"] does make some kind of sense...

[tomjen] The problem with Calvinism isn't that it doesn't make sense. It does (leaving aside the god part).

[SenorStabby] Have you ever heard of compatibilism? It's pretty reasonable

[P3chorin] I don't know, it seems logical to me. Christians usually believe, even if they believe in free will, that God is omniscient. Therefore, God knows that atheists/agnostics/whatever have a personal block in believing in him, and therefore he is damning them for being what he made them.

[WizardCap] I don't know if sense it the word you'd want to use here, but I do agree that it's consistent. You'd expect some type of omni-begat creature to already have the entire course of the history and future of the universe in mind, ergo, it would already know how everything works out.

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