
Friday, November 22, 2013

Don't tread on me

There are many reasons men turn to violence. In some cases it's the lack of a live-in father. In some cases the father is a loser. In some cases it's due to schools that suppress masculinity. 

In addition, I think a certain percentage of men will never be suited to a suit and tie. This interview is a good illustration:

There are men who just aren't cut out for life in the city or the suburbs. They aren't designed for a prefabricated existence. Back in the bygone days of the British Empire, you had young Englishmen who ran off to Africa or India and never returned. Never looked back.

There are men who need lots of room to stretch out. Men who need to build things and take things apart. Test themselves. Live on the edge. Figure out how to do things on their own. Start from scratch. They can't stand the bubble-wrapped existence in the nanny state. They can't stand having bureaucrats play the parent. 

And there were women who like men like that. Inventive. Adaptable. Decisive.  

I surmise that's part of the enduring appeal of the Western genre. The freedom. The challenge. A wide-open vistas of a virgin wilderness to be tamed, with all the attendant risks and rewards. 

As the culture elite continues to micromanage ever more of life, I expect there will be increasing violence. A vicious cycle of control, revolt, crack down, revolt, crack down. 

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