
Friday, September 20, 2013

Jim Crow Arminianism

Former Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace vowed "segregation forever" and blocked the door to keep blacks from enrolling at the University of Alabama on June 11, 1963, in Tuscaloosa, Ala, while being confronted by Deputy U.S. Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach. (File/USN&WR)

Roger Olson is to Arminianism what George Wallace was to segregation. And Roger has many white-hooded friends in the combox:


  1. ...TULIP Calvinism is absolutely foreign to those denominations and traditions I mentioned above. And yet I am now receiving e-mails from concerned Mennonites, Nazarenes, Pentecostals, Independent Christians, etc., notifying me that many young pastors among them have adopted TULIP Calvinism. They are almost pulling their hair out wondering how to stop this trend...

    ...Christianity is absolutely foreign to those pagan traditions I mentioned above. And yet I am now receiving e-mails from concerned Wiccans, Neopagans, ancestral pagans, etc., notifying me that many young shamans and witches among them have adopted Christianity. They are almost falling out of their cast circle wondering how to stop this spell...

  2. Also, it seems like these Christian churches were completely foreign to anabaptism, calvinism, lutheranism....etc. before the reformation. I guess we shouldn't have rocked the boat by bringing in our foreign doctrines....
