
Friday, August 30, 2013

Chris Pinto the "Kevin Bacon" of King James Onlyists

Peter Gomes' dog is associated with Peter Gomes -->
Peter Gomes is associated with Harvard Divinity -->
Harvard Divinity is associated with Alan Kurschner -->
Alan Kurschner is associated with James White -->
James White is associated with Chris Rosebrough -->
Chris Rosebrough is associated with Brannon Howse -->
Brannon Howse is associated with Chris Pinto -->
Chris Pinto is associated with Chris Pinto's dog -->

Chris Pinto's dog must be promoting homosexual Christianity!


  1. Who needs only six degrees of separation?

  2. Come to think of it, I heard that Chris Pinto talked about James White and that James White talked about Chris Pinto. And since James White is associated with Alan Kurschner...

    You know, I'm not insinuating that Chris Pinto has anything to do with those liberals at Harvard Divinity...

    [...except that I am.]
