
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Schreiner's biblical theology

I was thumbing through Tom Schreiner's new monograph: The King in his Beauty. From what I've read, his interpretations don't break any new ground. His interpretations are often indebted to writers like Desi Alexander, G. K. Beale, Brevard Childs, Stephen Dempster, William Dumbrell, Peter Gentry, Paul House, Meredith Kline, Jon Levenson, von Rad, Bruce Waltke, Barry Webb, and Stephen Wellum. As you'd expect, he has a Baptist view of the covenants. 

I think this would be a good book to give a recent convert to Christianity. It's a roadmap, guiding them through the Bible. Gives them a good overview of the Biblical storyline. How various book of the Bible contribute to an integrated message. 


  1. Hey again,
    I was wondering if there are books like nt wrights jesus and the victory of God, new testament people, etc. From a more reformed perspective on second temple judaism. Also what are your views on his wotk?

  2. Guy Waters, Justification and the New Perspectives on Paul (P&R Publishing, 2004).
