
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Rosemary's Baby

The Birthers challenged Obama’s eligibility to be president. Was he a natural-born US citizen?

Turns out the Birthers may have been half right. They were just asking the wrong question. The real question is not where he was born, but to whom he was born. There is new evidence that his birth certificate is, indeed, a forgery:

Either we need to run a paternity test or someone needs to interview his mom.  Paging Mia Farrow.

1 comment:


    This seems to be even more significant than the Jerome Corsi /World Net Daily / Donald Trump / he was born in Kenya - "Birther" stuff.

    President Obama really does look like Frank Marshall Davis, the Black American communist/socialist who actually was re-introduced back into his life in his teens and taught him radical leftist and socialist ideology. Watching the 3 hour video (someone else had it and brought over one evening and said, "You have to see this")

    At first, I was very skeptical, but after I watched it, with all the other evidence, it seemed to make to more sense.

    The African guy who is purported to be his father just doesn't even look him.

    I am surprised that this did not get more coverage than the "he was born in Kenya" Birther stuff.

    Hard to know who is telling the truth.
