
Monday, March 18, 2013

Bad parenting, bad politicking

I wrestled with how to reconcile my Christian faith with my desire for Will to have the same opportunities to pursue happiness and fulfillment as his brother and sister. Ultimately, it came down to the Bible’s overarching themes of love and compassion and my belief that we are all children of God.

i) Portman is a United Methodist, so it comes as no surprise that he caved so easily on sodomite marriage.

ii) To say “we are all children of God” is a double-edged sword. That includes Stalin, Pol Pot, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, &c. That argument either proves too much or too little.

"The overriding message of love and compassion that I take from the Bible, and certainly the Golden Rule, and the fact that I believe we are all created by our maker, that has all influenced me in terms of my change on this issue," Portman said, adding that he feels that "in a way, this strengthens the institution of marriage."

i) Portman’s capitulation represents an abdication of paternal duties. A father has a duty to be a standard-bearer for his sons. To teach his sons virtue as well as setting a personal example. Of course, even conscientious Christian fathers fall short. But in that respect, Christian fathers can also model repentance and restitution. That gives sons a more realistic map.

To rubberstamp whatever your kids do is classic bad parenting. That’s weakness rather than strength.

ii) Scripture has a doctrine of creation. Scripture also has a doctrine of the fall. Doesn’t Portman know that?

iii) As far as creation goes, homosexuality cuts against the grain of the creation account. The creation account is heteronormative.

iv) I doubt that Portman knows the nitty-gritty details of homosexual activity. It isn’t loving to endorse your son’s self-destructive lifestyle.

v) How does the Golden Rule apply to underage boys who ought to be protected from homosexual predators?

vi) As an ambitious politician, how much time did Portman set aside to be a real father to his sons?

vii) By sending his son to Yale, he was inserting his son into an infamously libertine social environment:

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