
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Is Pres. Obama the Devil Incarnate?


Researchers at Harvard and Yale recently unearthed scientific evidence implicating Pres. Obama as an evolutionary throwback to the Devil Incarnate:

The asteroid collision widely thought to have killed the dinosaurs also led to extreme devastation among snake and lizard species, according to new research — including the extinction of a newly identified lizard Yale and Harvard scientists have named Obamadon gracilis.

"Lizards and snakes rivaled the dinosaurs in terms of diversity, making it just as much an 'Age of Lizards' as an 'Age of Dinosaurs,'" Longrich said.

One of the most diverse lizard branches wiped out was the Polyglyphanodontia. This broad category of lizards included up to 40 percent of all lizards then living in North America, according to the researchers. In reassessing previously collected fossils, they came across an unnamed species and called it Obamadon gracilis. In Latin, odon means "tooth" and gracilis means "slender."

Compare that description to this description:

And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan (Rev 12:9).

The parallels are uncanny!

1 comment:

  1. And here I was just reassuring myself that Barack Obama was too incompetent to be the Anti-Christ!
