
Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Listen Up All You RINO Roves Out There...

MARK LEVIN: We conservatives, we do not accept bipartisanship in the pursuit of tyranny. Period. We will not negotiate the terms of our economic and political servitude. Period. We will not abandon our child to a dark and bleak future. We will not accept a fate that is alien to the legacy we inherited from every single future generation in this country. We will not accept social engineering by politicians and bureaucrats who treat us like lab rats, rather than self-sufficient human beings. There are those in this country who choose tyranny over liberty. They do not speak for us, 57 million of us who voted against this yesterday, and they do not get to dictate to us under our Constitution.

We are the alternative. We will resist. We're not going to surrender to this. We will not be passive, we will not be compliant in our demise. We're not good losers, you better believe we're sore losers! A good loser is a loser forever. Now I hear we're called 'purists.' Conservatives are called purists. The very people who keep nominating moderates, now call us purists the way the left calls us purists. Yeah, things like liberty, and property rights, individual sovereignty, and the Constitution, and capitalism. We're purists now. And we have to hear this crap from conservatives, or pseudo-conservatives, Republicans.

[postscript: The RINO Roves out there: you and your ex-Bush colleagues gave us Obama because of your policies during the Bush administration So stop lecturing us conservatives on "how we should proceed."]


  1. Not only does it lack principle, but it's not even pragmatic. The electoral track record of "moderate" Republicans like Ford, Bush 41, Dole, McCain, and Romney isn't exactly the ticket to the White House.

  2. I'm not sorry Romney lost, just sorry Obama won.

  3. Today must be for Conservative Republicans what Kennedy's 1980 DNC "The dream shall never die" speech felt like for Liberal Democrats. Especially being at Liberty University makes me feel this way. Even our convocation speaker gave a "never surrender" speech. Fitting, because he was a veteran who lost his legs in Vietnam.
