
Thursday, August 02, 2012

Advice to Jeff Lowder

Jeff Lowder presumes to offer some “advice” to critics of the argument from evil.

The problem with Jeff’s advice is that I, for one, already addressed his “obvious rebuttal.” To repeat: if unbelievers who deploy the argument from evil don’t (or can’t) affirm objective moral values, then why are they arguing with Christians in the first place? Why do they think it’s important to disprove Christianity? Why do they think people should refrain from Christian belief? Why do they think people ought to be atheists?

As far as internal coherence goes, it is incoherent for moral relativists or nihilists to find Christianity objectionable. Maybe Jeff should stop giving unsolicited advice to Christians unless and until he’s prepared to acknowledge and address the obvious rebuttal to his obvious rebuttal.

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