
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Love Gives Life: A Study of 1 Corinthians 13

Some Triablogue readers might be interested in this Kindle ebook for $0.99:

Love Gives Life: A Study of 1 Corinthians 13

We are to pursue love as we seek spiritual gifts because love gives life to gifts and love outlives gifts. That's Paul's main idea in 1 Corinthians 13, and this study will help you not only to see that in the text but to seek it in your life. 

The thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians is about having a love strategy. Paul relativizes what we tend to value most (usually our personal distinctives and niches), places love in central view, and summons us to use every power and resource we have for the good of those whom God has placed in our lives. This is the excellent way of love, and it is worthy of our pursuit. 

Here's what others are saying about this work: 

 In this short, helpful book, Evan shows us why love is so crucially important, and why we must pursue love above everything else. If we don’t have love, we don’t have anything. It doesn’t matter how gifted or “spiritual” we are. Evan repeatedly points us to the path of love and shows why love is one of the most important dynamics of the Christian life.  
Stephen Altrogge, Pastor, songwriter, and author of The Greener Grass Conspiracy: Finding Contentment On Your Side of the Fence and Create: Stop Making Excuses and Start Making Stuff 

Evan May’s Love Gives Life: A Study of 1 Corinthians 13 is a good example of what Paul says in 1 Cor. 14:26, “Let all things be done for building up.” It is brief, unpretentious, but says what must be said to bring the message of the “love chapter” to the heart of the reader. May has been personally moved by Paul’s words, and he wants to convey to us the same blessing he has found. He has a wonderful gift for simple, conversational writing, with the most natural and appropriate illustrations. He never assaults the reader, but nurtures him gently, so that we find ourselves growing in grace, almost by surprise. No academic trappings here, but May’s understanding of the passage is substantial. I hope that many take the opportunity to learn from this book. 
Dr. John Frame, Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy at Reformed Theological Seminary and author of the Theology of Lordship series 

 The apostle Paul told his dear friend Timothy, with regard to Christian discipleship, “The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” That is, love is the necessary consequence of the Gospel he preached. Today, that charge is unfortunately blanched by all manner of social and cultural influences, reduced to the idea that “love” is somehow synonymous with quiet and unconditional acceptance. My dear friend Evan May looks back to Paul as the apostle reminded his students in Corinth about the true meaning of love, and why it actually changes the world. The study notes Evan has produced ought to sting a little as we remember that somehow the love of God is both patient and unrelenting toward wrongdoing, both kind and truthful, both eternal and immediate. I recommend this study without qualification, and hope to see more from Evan in the future. 
Frank Turk, Speaker, writer, and blogger at


  1. Suppose there are pastors and bishops in a church and denomination who teach that same-sex behavior is okay, and they ordain active homosexuals.

    What does a 1 Corinthians 13 Christian do in these two cases:

    (1) The 1 Corinthians 13 Christian is a member inside this church/denomination.

    (2) The 1 Corinthians 13 Christian is outside of this church/denomination.

  2. Thanks, Evan! It looks like a good book, and the endorsements are impressive. I just ordered a copy.

  3. Well, Evan, if this becomes the new runaway bestseller (a la Left Behind, The Purpose-Driven Church), just remember all the little people who made possible your astronomical rise to fame and fortune.

  4. I just got a copy too! Sounds like it'll be a good read! :-)
