
Monday, June 18, 2012

Luke 16, 2 Corinthians 12, And Near-Death Experiences

Tim Challies recently started another thread on near-death experiences (NDEs). There's a lengthy comments section that follows. The discussion doesn't go into much depth. And the alleged Biblical arguments raised against NDEs are highly problematic. So are the extra-Biblical objections. There's some good material there, but mixed with a lot that's bad.
You can find an index of my posts on NDEs here. For example, my introductory thread on the subject addresses some of the Biblical passages brought up in the Challies thread, like Luke 16:31 and 2 Corinthians 12:4. If you're interested in reading more about a particular passage, go to the page I just linked and do a Ctrl F search for that passage. For example, searching for "2 Corinthians 12", "Corinthians", "2 Cor", or something like that will take you to the posts in the thread that discuss 2 Corinthians 12:4. If I don't discuss a passage you're looking for in that thread, it may have come up in one of the others. My NDE index page covers hellish NDEs, dream-like aspects of NDEs, the moral standards of NDEs, shared death experiences, and a lot of other topics.

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