
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Liberal ethnocentricity

BTW, one of the ironies of Rachel Evans' now infamous post is how provincial and blindly ethnocentric her vision of Christianity really is. Compare her parochial perspective with how it appears beyond the bubble of her chic coterie:

1 comment:

  1. This seems to be a species of her, and her community's, larger argument that proposes a need to adapt to cultural sensitivities in order to evangelize people within that culture. One problem is that it is ethnocentric, as you've noted. The other is that the more you adapt to culture in order to gain its respect, the less you have to evangelize/disciple with anymore, as the people to whom the gospel is preached are already conformed to cultural thinking (the very thinking one wishes were present in mature Christians). Hence, to some degree, she wants Christians to come full circle and become as they were when they did not know Christ. And that is supposedly the mark of a more advanced Christian?
