
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Answering a JW Pop Quiz


  1. Hello Steve,

    Are there any good books that you could recommend on Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Now that I think about it, anything on Mormonism as well?

  2. Regarding Mormonism, three good works are:

    1) How Wide the Divide?: A Mormon & an Evangelical in Conversation
    Craig L. Blomberg (Author), Stephen E. Robinson (Author).

    2) See the Gods Fall: Four Rivals to Christianity
    Francis J. Beckwith (Author), Stephen E. Parrish (Author)

    3) The New Mormon Challenge: Responding to the Latest Defenses of a Fast-Growing Movement
    Francis Beckwith (Editor), Carl Mosser (Editor), Paul Owen (Editor)

    I don't know of anything on the same level for JW's. Here's a popular work by a decent scholar:

    Understanding Jehovah's Witnesses: Why They Read the Bible the Way They Do
    Robert M. Bowman (Author)

    One difference is that JW's claim to be Bible-based in a way that Mormon's don't, so it really comes down to an exegetical critique of their heresies, viz. unitarianism, annihilationism, denial of the Resurrection.

    So exegetical monographs that defend the Trinity, deity of Christ, hell, and the physical Resurrection of Christ, implicitly disprove Watchtower theology.

    Another angle is their history of false prophecies.

  3. Thank to Steve for sharing this info. We are provide the Make your own quiz service.

  4. Hi Kevin Smith,

    I'm glad you're branching out and making online quizzes these days. Generally speaking I can't see how it hurts to try new things every now and then. But sometimes new things aren't always successful. With that in mind, could I say, without malice, I enjoy your movies, screenplays, comics, and all around comedic wit (sans potty mouth) more than I do your online quizzes? Best to stick to Jay and Silent Bob, methinks.
