
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The immaterial resurrection of Christ

In his original statement, Olson sets up a double contrast: (i) he contrasts bodily with physical, (ii) then contrasts physical with spiritual–so that the bodily resurrection of Christ is a nonphysical resurrection.

Olson has now added a further definition.

rogereolson says:
To me “physical” implies “material,” so I prefer to speak of his resurrected body as a “spiritual body” (with Paul in 1 Cor. 15), but a body nonetheless.

So the risen Christ had an immaterial body. 

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so after my comment on the other post a few minutes ago, and given this, I'm thinking he's some sort of neo-gnostic. Enough gnostic open theism and eventually we may discover that Olson thinks he knows more than God.
