
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Reinventing Arminianism

To some extent this is a logical extension of Arminian principles. If God really wants to save everyone, it's arbitrary to make death the cutoff, especially since this life is not an even playing table. Some people have far more spiritual opportunities and advantages than others.


  1. In that article, Olson says this: "I also want to be corrected by God himself for my false beliefs and attitudes."

    Of course, that's not really accurate. It's only accurate insofar as the God Olson meets on the other side lives up to Olson's constraints on what God must be like. This is shown clearly when Olson writes elsewhere:

    "IF it were revealed to me that God is as TULIP Calvinism says AND as he must logically be if all the good and necessary consequences of TULIP are true of him, I would not worship him."

    Olson only wants to be "corrected" on beliefs and attitudes he has determined beforehand are acceptable for him to be in error on. But if God tells Olson something Olson has deemed unacceptable, it will be *God* who needs correcting by Olson.

  2. Some of these statements by Olson are astounding. Can you imagine saying, "If God Himself revealed to me that Arminianism is true, I wouldn't worship Him!" I guess only a Calvinist has enough respect for God's sovereign right to be and do as He pleases to accept the fact that God is worthy of worship even if he (the Calvinist) is wrong in some significant ways about God's dealings with the world. As Paul points out, these types of statements statements reduce to rationalism rather than faith.
