
Friday, March 02, 2012

Gullibility, Rebellion, or ...?


  1. 1.

    The most recent example involves a young couple, active in our church for awhile, who have clearly heard the gospel in many creative and powerful ways from our team of excellent preachers, professed faith in Christ, appeared to grow in the Lord, and have now announced they are giving it all up because the husband read a book in which the resurrection was explained as pure metaphor.

    It has always amazed me how many wives of theological converts (to or from) readily follow their husbands into that new system. I suppose people could blame such women for not having the guts to stand firm in their former beliefs.

    However, maybe a better conclusion is to realize just how serious and pivotal a husbands' role is in spiritually leading his wife and children to the truth.

    Also, I think the problem Blomberg highlights is due to our modern society's assumption and expectation of instant answers.

    Here's a link to a 2 minute video by ABC News titled "Impatient Nation"


    "It has always amazed me how many wives of theological converts (to or from) readily follow their husbands into that new system."

    Not to mention the number of husbands who follow their wives' lead in religious matters.

  3. "Here's a link to a 2 minute video by ABC News titled "Impatient Nation"

    Dammit! Too Long to get past the advertisement! Took more than 250 milliseconds.

    That sucks. I want the bottom-line answer NOW!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. There seems to be general trend away from institutional religion, whatever the reasons.
