
Sunday, February 19, 2012

An Overview Of Some Research Findings On Near-Death Exepriences

Here's a post by Nancy Evans Bush summarizing fifteen things we know about near-death experiences, especially experiences that are negative (hellish).


  1. Readers might be interested to check out one of her recent talks on the Bible and NDEs:

    I disagree with alot in there, but there were also some interesting parallels that I hadn't noticed before.

    On another note - the word verification for blogger seems to be getting harder and harder. I failed this one about 7 times.

  2. It's an intelligence test. Keeps Loftus out.

  3. Jason,

    NDEs might be an interesting topic in its own right but how do you see it as dovetailing into Christian apologetics?

    Is it simply that they might provide some evidence for continued consciousness beyond certain indicia of physical death or some evidence for 'different realms' and, at a general level, these are things Christians affirm?

    As a Christian, what I find problematic about these sorts of considerations is that, as far as I am aware, the pleasantness/horridness of the experience is not well aligned with whether the person in question is a committed Christian.

    Am I wrong here?

  4. AMC,

    I've gone into issues like those in previous posts. You can find an index of my posts on NDEs and related topics here. As I said in a post earlier this morning, "I hold the view that NDEs are highly subjective, but that they're paranormal and offer minimal evidence for an afterlife and the nature of that afterlife."
