
Sunday, January 08, 2012

Rick Santorum, Conservative Stalwart


  1. See this one?

    I didn't watch the debate but at least someone's calling out lousy moderators. It made Drudge so a lot of folks will read it.

  2. He seems like same old same old to me. George W. mirrored. And I liked George, and voted for him, and was glad Gore wasn't president, but George W. Caused us tons, and tons, and tons of debt, and problems. Same old same old I'm afraid with this Santorum fellow. Sad.


    Rick Santorum, Neo-Con Stalwart

  4. It troubles me that in this election cycle, the word "Conservative" has, for some, become synonymous with favoring even undeclared war. Conversely, a desire not to fight unconstitutional wars is labelled by some as "Liberal." Criticize the illegal invasion of a sovereign nation and you're labeled a leftist, isolationist. We lose the language a little more each day, it seems.

  5. "Criticize the illegal invasion of a sovereign nation and you're labeled a leftist, isolationist."

    Except when it's America's borders, that is.

  6. You and your fanatical, even cultish, isloationist talk. Tisk, tisk, Gordon.

    Obviously, like Ron Paul, your views can hardly even be called American, let alone Republican (as one article linked to on Triablogue kindly pointed out). You're clearly no true Scotsman... er, I mean American. Why don't you and the thousands of other non-representative Republican/Americans go join Paul in La La Land, I think it's located somewhere in the middle east.

    (Ah, welp, that should do it for those Paul-supporters.)
