
Thursday, December 08, 2011

I'll give you my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead hands!

For decades now, gun nuts like the NRA have slandered the liberal establishment by alleging that the liberal establishment rejects the Second Amendment. They’ve suggested that gun-control laws are part of a nefarious, incremental conspiracy to confiscate guns en masse.

But now this lie has been exposed for the libel that it is. Turns out the liberal establishment is deeply committed to the Second Amendment. There was some initial confusion due to the fact that the liberal establishment applies to the Second Amendment to Mexican drug cartels rather than American citizens. On the one hand, the liberal establishment seeks to disarm American citizens. On the other hand, the liberal establishment seeks to arm Mexican narco traffickers.

Indeed, such is the unwavering commitment of the liberal establishment to the right to bear arms that it goes the extra mile by supplying Mexican drug cartels. Transferring American weapons to Mexican drug runners.

You can hardly get more patriotic than that. Yet just when you think things couldn’t get any better, the liberal establishment also defends the Constitutional right of Mexican drug runners to take up arms against American citizens living in Southern Arizona.

It’s truly inspiring to see the liberal establishment’s stalwart adherence to the Constitution.

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