
Saturday, November 05, 2011

“First Holy Communion”, Spring 1967

For all my Roman Catholic fans, yes, I did grow up a geeky little Roman Catholic boy. This is a photo of me at my “First Holy Communion”, spring 1967, at the end of second grade. And that’s a “Missal” I’m holding, not a Bible. A missal is a liturgical book containing all instructions and texts necessary for the celebration of Mass throughout the year. I think I still have this one. We didn’t use it for long. Not long after this, the RCC came out with “missalettes”, small, paperbound booklets that contained the cycle of Mass readings for several weeks or several months.

Later, in my early 20’s, I was devout enough that I thought I might want to become a priest, too.


  1. Love the glasses. You had some swag back in the day. ;)

  2. Left over from the 1950's, I guess. :-)

  3. "A missal is a liturgical book containing all instructions and texts necessary for the celebration of Mass throughout the year. I think I still have this one. We didn’t use it for long. Not long after this, the RCC came out with “missalettes”, small, paperbound booklets that contained the cycle of Mass readings for several weeks or several months. "

    In the parish that I attend frequently most of the parishoners, that I observe, do not read the the missalettes to follow along with the readings.

    As one of my wife's aunts said; "If people want to hear preaching, they attend a Protestant church. If they want the Sacraments, they go to Mass."

  4. What a handsome lad!

    It's interesting how the missal was a tool used to keep the Scriptures away from the parishoners. I'm glad that EA reports no one reads them anyway.


  5. EA, you attend Mass frequently?

  6. Yes - my wife is Catholic and I was raised was Catholic.

  7. Hi EA, often I will click on a commenter's name to see their profile, and I did recall reading the exchange you had linked to Beggars All with Dr. Art Sippo. I guess that's what I had in mind when I asked you about attending Mass frequently.

    You must be in what they'd call "an uncomfortable place" right now. would you mind sharing how you're handling things? Feel free to respond here, or if you prefer to keep things private, you can email me at "johnbugay" [at] gmail. But I'd be interested to know what life is like for you these days, with respect to your religious situation.
