
Monday, October 10, 2011

Two go in, one comes out

I don't think Loftus' attempt to PhotoShop Craig is very successful:


He ends up making Craig look more like the punk bikers in the Mad Max series:


  1. Craig won't debate Loftus because Loftus does not possess a PhD in a relevant field (philosophy, theology, etc.)

    Dr. Craig does make exceptions (Hitchens, for example), but I would say he wants to avoid the overt emotionalism characteristic of apostates (one visit to Loftus's website will confirm this).

    Loftus is deeply unserious -- and many of his followers are just plain juvenile.

  2. I thought that the reason that WLC won't debate Loftus is that he doesn't debate present or former students.

  3. I thought that the reason that WLC won't debate Loftus is that he doesn't debate present or former students.

    Nor self-congratulatory fools it seems.

  4. Wow, that is a crappy photoshop. Then again, does Loftus do anything at all with skill?

    I see he's still doing the 'if you don't debate me you're a coward' schtick, despite it being pretty transparent. Not even Loftus thinks Craig won't debate him out of fear - we're talking about a wannabe PZ Myers (who himself is a wannabe Dawkins) whose debate track record so far is one of utterly melting down when faced against guys a lot less known and capable than Craig.

    But even if Loftus gets destroyed by Craig, it at least means Craig gave him the time of day. Which Loftus will use to insist that he deserves to be taken seriously, which in turn - and this is the key that most people miss - may help give him a reputation that will let him earn some freaking money.

    Loftus is to atheism what Jim Bakker was to Christianity, with the exception that Bakker was good at it and made millions. Loftus? Not so much.

  5. Loftus is a pathetically desperate apostate.

    He's probably smart enough to have realized by now that he missed the anti-theist gravy train, and now he finds himself drowning in a sea of voices in an overly saturated marketplace of ideas (the angry, militant, in-your-face anti-theist with a deconversion testimonial).

    If he were truly shrewd he would fake re-conversion to Christ and shill his fakery to the credulous Evangelical crowd and the demonstrably gullible TBN'ers.

    There's opportunity a plenty for the modern day Simon Magi, so why not Johnny?

    In Christ,

  6. If Loftus debates Craig, Loftus will get trashed.

    He will screw up like he did with
    D' even his won followers admitted...and then makes exuses and say debates don't matter anyway.

    Lofus is an admitted liar, who admits in WIBA that he cheated on his wife, continued to preach when he no longer believed, and that his own cousins did not trust him.

    He even posts videos of his brother and makes fun of him.

    On top of that, he bans any serious critics, and even fakes blogs about people.

    Loftus is a genuine Low Life who...he admitted...actually got an F in a key Ph.D level course.

    He then lies and says his combined Masters degrees are the "equivalent" of a Ph.D.

    They are not, and he knows it.

  7. G. Kyle,

    But not for lack of trying! Didn't you know...he was a student under WLC, has a "virtual Ph.D." and his books are endorsed by (insert random Christian, usually non-orthodox, professor).

    Yeah, whenever Loftus starts to talk about his credentials and the "virtual PhD" line, I almost cringe. It's like watching a fat kid tell you he's "practically a black belt" and going off on exactly how many times he's watched Dragonball Z. You can't help but feel sorry for him.
