
Monday, September 12, 2011

Mutation and evolution

HT: Patrick Chan

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! The observation of male mitochondrial inheritance explains a lot.

    I was also fascinated by the work done on genetic decay in mitochondria and the male Y chromosome. I've long suspected that the rate of decay could be determined within a reasonable range of tolerance. Assuming a uniform rate of decay, two observations could come of this that I see are addressed here:

    1) The date of a source "perfect" gene could be extrapolated, which he investigates.

    2) Evolutionists would have to explain why the rate of decay exceeds any assumed rate of assumed mutation necessary to support Darwinian evolution. In other words, why are genes decaying from detrimental mutations rather than bearing helpful mutations toward more complex organisms? And, wouldn't any changes in the rate of decay comport with changes in any rate of benign mutations given they share the same causal mechanisms?
