
Monday, August 22, 2011

Rick Perry is not George W. Bush

Comparisons are being made these days between the two most recent Texas governors. But Rick Perry is nothing like George W. Bush. And I consider that to be a good thing. This article, by a reporter who has covered Perry for a number of years, goes into some of the details:
The latest Rasmussen poll shows [Perry] has upended the Republican field, polling at 29% with Mitt Romney substantially back at 18% and Michele Bachmann at 12%.

This appalls people who, knowing little about Perry, know enough about Bush to jump to conclusions.

But those eager to put Perry on a "W: Part 2" movie poster are in for disappointment. I've covered the governor for more than four years from my base here in the state capital. I've interviewed him, covered appearances across Texas, talked to his friends and foes. In terms of personality, political approach and policy, Perry is his own man - for better and for worse. He's a fiery federalist who runs to the right, rather than a compassionate conservative who campaigns, at least, toward the center.

So, here's a primer on the man you're going to hear more about as the primaries approach. He'll be a formidable candidate, more because of the ways he differs from Bush than for some of the things they have in common….
Rick Perry’s more Texan than George W. Bush: And that’s why he’s a 2012 force to be reckoned with

1 comment:

  1. Interesting blast from the past courtesy of The Economist (2009).

    As usual the comments meta is a hoot!

    California v Texas
    America's future

