
Saturday, July 02, 2011

One Man’s Story: How to Have a Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary

The story went like this:
”For our 25th wedding anniversary, I took my wife to Hawaii. Now, on our 50th anniversary, I’ll go there and bring her back.”
Adapted from Colby King, Washington Post. (Please note: I do not share Mr. King’s view of what constitutes a good marriage or even a marriage. But I just had a good belly laugh when I read this and I wanted to pass it along with a proper attribution.)


  1. Thanks for that post - made me chuckle out loud. I agree with you about the serious side - what marriage is. I've been blessed by God with a godly woman as my wife for nearly 33 years. Only life-plan I have for our marriage is to grow old with her - with our teeth in a glass, rocking on a front porch together. That's what I told her in 1978 and we're making progress!

  2. Manfred, that's a great plan :-)
