
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Father Loftus

Expect the smear campaign to start soon afterward on Amazon, as it happened (and continues to happen) to my other two books. It’s a war over there from deluded believers who think what I’m doing is a much more serious threat to their faith than most others, whether that's true or not (hey, they’re deluded so why should we think they know who best to target?).

John Loftus evidently lacks intellectual confidence in the quality of the forthcoming book he edited. Hence, he feels the need to launch a first-strike to preemptively discredit whatever Christians might have to say by way of reply. By the same token, he lacks confidence in the intellectual prowess of his constituency, since he feels the need to forewarn them to ignore whatever Christians might say in response.

Indeed, Loftus operates with the same mob psychology as the cult leader. “My children, we are the illuminati. Give no heed to what outsiders say. By definition, anyone who questions my oracles is sadly deluded. Let that be a warning to doubters in our midst. He who questions me shall be left behind when the Mothership docks.” 


  1. John is what he is. Shameless self promoter and like RB trying to generate sales while claiming it is for the nobility of their cause.

  2. So, if you say things about John's book that he doesn't like, you're a crazy deluded person who is out to get him because he's thought of as a serious threat.

    Also, John denounces anyone who doesn't read his book (particularly reviewers or well-known Christians) as being cowards who are afraid of him and his book, because if they did they'd read it and react to it (and he can't adequately summarize what's in his book, even though he blogs near daily and comments far more than that, and he can't give out free copies or appropriate excerpts, and...)

    What a gimmick.

  3. Say what you want about John, but his blog sure is a heck of a lot more popular than yours! It's awfully quiet here most of the time. Can you hear the crickets? What's the average number of replies to a post here? 0-2? Then again, considering the character of the people who post on this site, I can't blame anyone for not wanting to spend much time here.

  4. "At least his blog is comparatively popular!" Wow, really reaching there. Why not say you think he has a better hat that anyone else?


    "Say what you want about John, but his blog sure is a heck of a lot more popular than yours!"

    Like flies to a rotting carcass. The pungent aroma of putrescent atheism is irresistible to certain species under the scorching sun of the African savannah.

  6. Awfully touchy there, Stevie Boy.

  7. You're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy.

  8. "Say what you want about John, but his blog sure is a heck of a lot more popular than yours!"

    And based upon numbers Christianity is far more popular than atheism. But I suspect you'd prefer not to measure truth by that measure, would you? :)

  9. @ Steve,A wizard of oz joke! How original! If you really want to hit where it hurts, you should remind of my Jayhawks' horrible record of choking in the NCAA tournament. That might start to hit home.

  10. Mike -- I used to spend time at John's blog and then I stopped because the level of debate there was not very interesting. Popularity is not a measure for wisdom by any stretcch of the imagination. Maybe in your world it is.

  11. Just sharing an observation, guys. I have nothing to contribute on here that is of much interest to you guys, so I'm going to say so long. I'm actually surprised I wasn't banned earlier. Have a good monday.

  12. So Mike, if you had nothing to contribute that would be of interest -- why did you bother?

  13. Grev,

    Because he's an atheist and used to irrationality.
