
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

We at Triablogue labored long and hard to contain the faith-shattering evidence. We really did.

From our Cayman accounts we bought off as many contributors to Evangelical Textual Criticism as we could reasonably bribe. In some cases, because their demands were so exorbitant, it was simply cheaper to give them a free ride in the trunk of the car to a remote bayou frequented by alligators.

We had a round-the-clock security detail stationed at the secret archives of the Vatican Library. We had the abbot of St. Catherine’s monastery on our payroll. When Bruce Metzger was about to make a deathbed confession, we slipped him a mickey through the I.V. tube.

We even recruited Bart Ehrman to be a double agent. He’d soften the blow in case our containment strategy failed.

(Just in case you’re wondering, yes–Triablogue used to be the Trilateral Commission before Lyndon LaRouche outed us.)

But despite our best efforts to reset the clock, time and time again, the Christian faith has finally come to an end.

You see, over at his blog, Richard Carrier has just uncovered hitherto unsuspected evidence that scribes make mistakes when they copy the NT.

So that’s it, folks. The cat is out of the bag. The horse is out of the barn. The genie is out of the bottle.

Since I no longer need to maintain the pretence of Christian morality, please excuse me–I’m running late for a Bacchanalian orgy.


  1. Scribes? What are you even talking about?


  3. (Thanks but I was making a joke.)
