
Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Twilight Saga: Full Mooners

In the final installment of the Twilight series, bare-chested lycans from the Goth Coalition descend on Fife to defang Rob Bella, who offers his credulous victims false promises of immortality.  Bella’s chief vulnerability is that he’s defenseless in daytime, when he must take refuge in a hidden coffin. Bella also suffers from an acute aversion to the cross.

But Bella is guarded by his fiercely protective vampire brides–Benedita Whithering, Regina Olson, Peta Lumpy, and Scottie McBenighted. Will Bella survive to turn more credulous victims, or will the lycans put an end to his sanguinary career? 


  1. Let's see if I can sniff out the moral of this story... if you get dumped by Kierkegaard, you'll fall in love with a vampire?

  2. Well, the subtextual complexity of my deceptively simple post makes Finnegans Wake a nursery rhyme by comparison.

  3. Would Jesus be proud of this?

  4. blogforthelordjesus said:

    Would Jesus be proud of this?

    Speaking of which, would Jesus be proud of what you say here:

    "I do not attend church and I write this blog for people who do not attend church. . . . My reason is the part of Hebrews 10:24-25 that you left off: 'and all the more so as you see the day drawing near.' That day came – the day of Christ, and we will live in it forever. That day was near future in New Testament times (Romans 13:11-12; Philippians 1:6, 10) but it’s distant past now (Jesus Christ Has Already Come Again). What New Testament believers were encouraging themselves to wait for is in our midst today: the Kingdom of God (Luke 17:20-21; The Kingdom of God Is Here and Now, Seeking the Kingdom of God Instead of Church)."


    "Would Jesus be proud of this?"

    I don't presume to speak for Jesus. Do you?

  6. I am not sure I fully understand the issue being raised by the comment:

    "Would Jesus be proud of this?

    The Twilight Saga was rhetorical flourish with nuance, that's all. And it seems to embrace a common issue that has gone "viral", as some characterize it, about universalism. As Truth beings, we are to hold to the doctrine of Christ and not go beyond that; which, it seems, some are doing and representing that this is a part of the doctrine of Christ.

    The Twilight Saga: Full Mooners, doesn't seem to be out of step with Christ or His doctrine but points out what is wrong.

    And though that said, I believe we also ought to, in everything we do, do it as unto the Lord and not as unto men as in the sense Peter goes to, here, which indicates all True Believers are being brought into one accord, one mind and heart led by the Spirit of Grace, to speak for Jesus when it is deemed necessary. This is our right:

    1Pe 2:4 As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious,
    1Pe 2:5 you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
    1Pe 2:6 For it stands in Scripture: "Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame."

    We ought to speak with one voice while preserving the diversity of gifts given to the Body, for Christ sake, and for the Glory of God Our Heavenly Father, as we are being led so by the Holy Spirit in every way, by living and even speaking through printing our thoughts in comment boxes like this one here.

    That is why I am not sure I am following this comment then:

    I don't presume to speak for Jesus. Do you?

    My question then is this one:

    "If you are not doing what you do for the Glory of God, which does honor Jesus, then who are you doing it for, what you are doing?"

  7. What sheltered existence does blogforthelordjesus live in to make this person hold forth that Jesus has come and everything has been made new and that the new heavens and the new Earth are here and that the presence of God is now fully here and that evil has been completely banished .... I had better stop.

  8. Hey Ryan recognize your picture from back in the days when I thought Facebook was something useful.

    Hope life is well.

  9. Oh goodie, another HyperPreterist.

  10. Hi, Grev. I haven't posted on facebook topics regularly in a long time. Quality of discussion significantly dropped in the last 2 years, which is why I started a blog.
