
Monday, March 28, 2011

A marriage made in Sto-vo-Kor

I’ll respond to some objections that Paul Hoffer has leveled to my defense of TFan.

One wonders, too, of the hypocrisy in all of this. Mr. Hays does not hold the pseudonymous Mr. Fan to the standard he sets for me. Nowhere on Mr. Fan’s blog will anyone find his real name, his occupation, where he lives at, his actual denominational preference, the church he attends, or a link to his pastor in case of misconduct. For that matter, Mr. Hays does not hold himself to that standard either as he does not list his actual denominational preference, where he goes to church, a link to his pastor or even occupation or his address, unless the Klingon version of the afterlife is an actual address in the United States.

i) There’s no inconsistency in my holding you to your standards while not holding myself to your standards, since your standards aren’t my standards. That’s a pretty elementary distinction.

ii) In terms of Protestant standards of accountability, I believe that TFan is answerable to his elders, who also know about his blogging activities. I could say the same thing about my own situation.

iii) At the same time, accountability is not a one-way street in Protestant ecclesiology. There’s mutual accountability between clergy and laity.

I can hold Catholics to a hierarchical model of accountability while I myself reject that model. And the priestly abuse scandal is a prime example of what’s wrong with hierarchical models of accountability. 

My definition of accountability was that the author needs to own his words. It was Mr. Hays that imposed the additional requirement upon a writer of posting a listing of one's pastor and hierarchical authority. Mr. Hays did not object to my standard, he added to it.

I’m imposing an additional requirement? Is he suggesting that Catholics aren’t supposed to be answerable to their religious superiors?

How can you hold them to account if they refuse to provide direct contact info for their religious superiors?

Let us talk about ownership of words. When one takes ownership of his thoughts, his words, his actions, he is accepting responsibility for his thoughts, words, his actions. There are a variety of ways of accepting responsibility. One can be accountable by posting under one's own name which allows the readers to offer feedback directly. It is an outgrowth of the relationship created between writer and reader. There is nothing said about the imposition of a hierarchical authority to review and censor the remarks in my comments.

Isn’t he defining accountability in the very terms that Catholic epologists typically impute to Protestants? They say Protestants are only accountable to themselves, as individuals. And they tell us that to be accountable to yourself is to be accountable to no one.

Yet he’s defining Catholic accountability in terms of taking personal responsibility for his words and deeds. But that's quite different than being held responsible for your actions by someone in a position of authority.

Hello Mr. Hays, while it is true that Mr. Fan has acknowledged in writings that he is some sort of Presbyterian, there are as many flavors of those as there are ice cream at Baskin Robbins. Given the multiplicity of Presbyterian-leaning denominations out there, there must be some reason that they are different.

i) The fact that you put it that way shows you don't know enough to know what you reject.

They are generally differentiated by degrees of adherence to the Westminster Standards. To take some major examples, the PCUSA is a traditionally, but now nominally Presbyterian denomination that went liberal years ago. Clearly TFan doesn't belong to the PCUSA.

Far to the right of the PCUSA are the OPC and PCA. They basically adhere to the Westminster Confession, but with some caveats. They adhere to the 18C American revisions, and they don't enforce the Confession on the days of creation. Likewise, they don't adhere to the Westminster Directory of Worship.

Given TFan’s Puritan view of worship, it's clear that he couldn't in good conscience join the OPC or PCA.

Then you have very traditional Presbyterian denominations like the PRC. That’s the sort of church TFan would probably attend.

ii) Moreover, the fact that TFan’s favorite theologian is Francis Turretin already pinpoints his theological commitments. I assume TFan is an old school, jure divino Presbyterian. Given his strict adherence to the 1646 Westminster Confession and the Westminster Directory of Worship, it isn't difficult to narrow down his denominational sympathies.

As for yours, your profile show that you are Reformed in temperment but like some ritual with that. Thus, you could be anything from a Lutheran to a UCC man. That really narrows it down for me.

i) You keep superimposing your Catholic reference frame on me. But your comparison is equivocal. Since you believe the Roman church is the only true church, your denominational affiliation automatically selects for your theological identity.

Since, by contrast, I don't think any particular denomination is conterminous with "the church," my theological identity can't be inferred from the church I happen to attend. My church doesn’t select for my theology; rather, my theology selects for my church.

Denominational allegiance was never my standard. For that matter, an evangelical can attend an independent church. Many do.

In any case, my theological commitments are hardly shrouded in mystery. I have a very long, very public paper trail.

ii) Moreover, the fact that you and Armstrong are Catholic was never in doubt. That’s a red herring.

iii) Conversely, the fact that John Kerry is Roman Catholic tells you nothing about his theological commitments, or lack thereof. So why are you fixated on one's denominational affiliation?

The closest thing one can find on either yours or Mr. Fan’s website is a reference to Klingon hell, which must make your wife, if you have one, real happy.

Um, no, that's a reference to Klingon heaven. And I'll have you know that my beloved wife Vixis is more than happy with our accommodations in Sto-vo-Kor.

It’s bad enough that you’re a papist, but when you lack a rudimentary grasp of Klingon eschatology, that’s truly beyond the pale. Have you no priorities? 


  1. ii) In terms of Protestant standards of accountability, I believe that TFan is answerable to his elders, who also know about his blogging activities. I could say the same thing about my own situation.

    Yet how do we know if he is being held accountable if we do not know who he is or who his pseudo-elders are? What about yourself? Do your pseudo-elders know that you are a fervent advocate of masturbation? As far as I know, you are a liar.

  2. That's a revealing example of Catholic demagoguery. I've never been a "fervent advocate of masturbation."

    Rather, I've said that masturbation is arguably permissible in some situations. If you're too stupid to know the difference, then that helps to explain why you're stupid enough to be Catholic.

  3. "Yet how do we know if he is being held accountable if we do not know who he is or who his pseudo-elders are?"

    If you wish to wax conspiratorial, then we can return the favor. Tell me, can you prove to me that the papal conclave which elected Benedict XVI wasn't rigged? After all, the deliberations were held in secret, and any cardinal who spills the beans is subject to summary excommunication.

  4. Steve, so your elders know that you not only think that it is moral for a young man to masturbate inorder to prep himself for marriage (which really shows how utterly foolish you are), but that you have publically promoted this belief as being morally permissible?

    Secondly, how can I be sure that you are not just lying as normal? You see, this is really about how your fantasy of church discipline is indeed a farse.

    Lastly, since I am so stupid because I don't get the fact that you promote masturbation yet don't promote it, what is your excuse for not understanding Paul's actual statements?

  5. Okay, think about your question here and the context of what happens in a papal conclave, and if you still want to persue this line of questioning tomorrow, then I will help you see the difference.


    “Steve, so your elders know that you not only think that it is moral for a young man to masturbate inorder to prep himself for marriage (which really shows how utterly foolish you are), but that you have publically promoted this belief as being morally permissible?”

    Does the pope know everything that Dave Armstrong has written? Does the pope know anything that Dave Armstrong has written?

    “Secondly, how can I be sure that you are not just lying as normal? You see, this is really about how your fantasy of church discipline is indeed a farse.”

    If you doubt my honestly, then I’m the wrong person to ask. It’s dumb to ask somebody if he’s honest, for if he’s dishonest, he won’t give you an honest answer.

    And if you want to play the skeptic, then giving contact info for my elders would be pointless since you could equally accuse them of lying.

    “Lastly, since I am so stupid because I don't get the fact that you promote masturbation yet don't promote it…”

    Permission is not promotion. So, yes, your stupidity remains intact.

    Not to mention how it reveals your obsession with masturbation (shared by other Catholic epologists).

    “…what is your excuse for not understanding Paul's actual statements?”

    What is your excuse for substituting a tendentious assertion for an actual argument?

  7. Yes, I do believe that masturbation is an evil disordered act, I also believe that abortion is evil. What you care to mean by saying that I'm obsessed with masturbation you would have to also apply to me concerning homosexuality, pedophilia, contraception, in vitro fertilization, sex outside of marriage in general, embryo adoption, rape, pornography, abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, violence, theft, murder, unjust wars, and a whole host of moral issues.

    I didn't ask if you were honest, I asked for you to give me names contact information so that I can confer with them whether or not your behavior and commentary endorsing masturbation is endorsed by them.


    "Yes, I do believe that masturbation is an evil disordered act."

    Because that's what mother church tells you.

    "What you care to mean by saying that I'm obsessed with masturbation..."

    You're clearly obsessed with masturbation which you drag that into a thread which has nothing to do with masturbation.

    "I didn't ask if you were honest."

    Now you're lying about lying. You said, "As far as I know, you are a liar," as well as "how can I be sure that you are not just lying as normal?"

    So, yes, you were questioning my honesty.

  9. You're clearly obsessed with masturbation which you drag that into a thread which has nothing to do with masturbation.

    Indeed...or perhaps the keys are just a might bit sticky.

  10. The common objection that anonymous writers are not "accountable" refers to accountability to their audience and readership, and the fact that the anonymous authors cannot be held to account for any damage their words might do. It doesnt have anything to do, per se, with church discipline, Sunday school flannel boards, or deacon meetings.

    I think you've misunderstood what Paul hoofer was talking about. Somebody claimed that Turretinfan was an Ohio attorney who was violating his profeessional code of ethics. Hoffer read that, and announced that he was going to take it upon himself to find out if that were true, and if so to make sure Turretinfan was outed and reported. After he determined that Turretinfan was not an Ohio attorney, he announced in a long detailed blog post that he knows who the guy is but will respect his anonymity. Regardless of what we might think of his need to call attention to himyself and his decision not to out Turretinfan, I think it's safe to say that it would have occurred to few people that when Hoffer mentioned "accountability" in that context, he was talking about Pastors or church discipline. Or church potlucks. Or Altar Guild meetings. Or VBS.
