
Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Close Encounters of the Third Kind

I have solved the mystery of alien abductions. Turns out it's just a case of mistaken identity.

RCA Portable CD Boombox with Remote


  1. Sometimes TB posts fly right by me.

  2. Notice the uncanny resemblance between the radio and the alien from E. T. The placement of the bug eyes, which parallels the placement of the speakers (with their iris-like centers). The placement of the nose and mouth, &c.

    Clearly, people in the dark are mistaking their RCA boombox for alien intruders! :-) They wake up at night, see the boombox on their desk or nightstand, in the dim light, and imagination does the rest.

  3. I clearly need to rewatch Fire In The Sky with this in mind.

  4. That can't be right, because my boombox likes M&Ms not Reese's Pieces.

  5. I got the resemblance thing, but I don't know if this is supposed to be a reference to something deeper than the title of the post.

    Maybe I'm looking for a deeper meaning where there is none.

  6. Deep down I'm shallow.
