
Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Heterodox Eschatology

When the Lord comes back he will uproot the Marxist city-state of Madison, Wisconsin, and throw it into Lake Michigan for the purgation of this once great state. Then the New Jerusalem will descend from the sky and hover over Lambeau field where the Green Bay Packers will win the Super Bowl every year for one thousand years.


  1. Article said: "The story around the world is the rush to democracy," said Sen. Bob Jauch, D-Poplar. "The story in Wisconsin is the end of the democratic process."

    Perhaps I don't understand American democracy, but isn't democracy when a publicly elected government, representing the majority, (in this case the state government) successfully enacts legislation sanctioned and executed, also through a democratic process?

    I presume that in this case, the political opposition is not the majority, so wouldn't the blockage of this legislation, by the minority, be the "end of the democratic process"?

    Clearly, this claim cannot be being asserted simply because the trade unions don't wield influence over the government?

    The above quote seems backwards to me. What am I missing here?

  2. Democrats only want democracy when it benefits them. When they see that it stymies their agenda, they will do what it takes to get around democracy. Case in point, ten minutes ago it was reported that the democrats politicians got on a bus and left the state----YELLOW BELLIES!

    The gig is up for them, and they are not ready to accept the new reality.


    "Perhaps I don't understand American democracy, but isn't democracy when a publicly elected government, representing the majority, (in this case the state government) successfully enacts legislation sanctioned and executed, also through a democratic process?"

    i) Liberals typically resort to the courts to subvert the democratic process when they dislike the results.

    ii) And in this particular case, Democrat legislators fled the state to prevent a quorum, which is another case of subverting the democratic process.

  4. I would feel more sympathy towards teachers if A) they weren't such babies, B) they actually had good results. They can pay for a percentage of their pension just like the rest of us, and if we weren't into entitlements on healthcare, it would actually be affordable for everyone.

    In as much as the teachers all called in "sick" and yet showed up on capitol hill, every one of them should be fired.

    And since the democrats showed they don't actually want the jobs they were elected to, their seats should be vacated and special elections held tomorrow.

    None of that would happen, of course. Because we have people trained by the incompetent teachers' own incompetent teachers running everything now.
