
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Liberal economics

Liberal economics is a vicious cycle. To support the Nannystate, blue states have high tax rates. High taxes drive many residents to move out of state. When taxpayers move out of state, the state loses tax revenue.

How do blue states respond? Why, by hiking taxes to make up for the lost tax revenue. Every time they raises taxes, more residents leave. They lose more tax revenue. So they raise taxes yet again (and again and again) to compensate for lost revenue.

Notice a pattern? You’d think that’s self-evident, as well as self-defeating. But, somehow, liberal politicians are oblivious to the pattern. Oblivious to the self-repeating failure.

And, of course, moving out of state may be no escape in the long run. If blue states default, they expect fiscally responsible states to pick up the tab via the largess of the federal gov’t. 


  1. Another reason why blue states are more in favor of big government. It's just not fair that their citizens move out of taxation-hell to more favorable states. If the Federal government can extend its taxation power just a little more, everybody can be equally miserable.

  2. But, somehow, liberal politicians are oblivious to the pattern. Oblivious to the self-repeating failure.

    I wouldn't be so generous. I assume that they know but don't care. They're be out of office and on their public speaking and book tours by the time their policies have failed. And even then no one of consequence will be able (or willing) to clearly link the policies to the original politicians who made them.

  3. As blue states seem to see it, the revenue they tax goes to promoting welfare programs that are predominantly used by people in red states. They seem pretty confident that the reason conservatives will continue to fail is because they ultimately are not concerned with fiscal responsibility themselves, just in pinning the blame on fiscal irresponsibility on liberals. Liberals don't want libertarian/fiscal conservatives to abolish the entire social welfare net and they have so far correctly gambled that even most conservatives won't do that when they realize how many seats they will lose simply because liberals can promise to make sure any kind of reform gets stopped as being a "dismantling" of programs.

  4. If blue states default, they expect fiscally responsible states to pick up the tab via the largess of the federal gov’t.

    They can gamble on that expectation, but it's not a for-sure thing.
