
Monday, February 28, 2011

Dear drop dead!

I’m been skimming the comments in reaction to Rob Bell’s forthcoming book. For those of you who don’t have time to wade through 1000+ comments, here’s the gist of the feedback:

How dare you slander Bell by suggesting he’s a universalist. Not that there’d be anything wrong with that, you understand. In fact, a “God” who consigned Hitler to hell would be worse than Hitler. So how dare you accuse Bell of believing the same thing I do!
I’m sick to my stomach of mean, hateful, judgmental, intolerant, scummy, scrofulous “Christians” like you who throw other Christians under the bus just because they don’t agree with you on every jot and tittle. Can’t you wrap your pea brain around the fact that that’s why so many unbelievers don’t go to church?
And it’s all on account of that dastardly, damnable, dethpicable neo-Reformed theology of yours. Well, if you don’t think God is going to save everybody, then to hell with you!
Why can’t you learn to be as warm, humble, loving, accepting, gentle, charitable, and open-minded as folks like me?  


  1. Warms my heart to hear such heartfelt concern .... Oh Dear.

  2. "There are people in this world who don't love everybody. I hate people like that!" ~ Tom Lehrer

  3. "Why can’t you learn to be as warm, humble, loving, accepting, gentle, charitable, and open-minded as folks like me?

    Some people just are not humble like me!!!! Oh the irony!

  4. I hope that comment was a parody of the other comments on article. I really do not want to think people are that silly.

  5. Sometimes reality and parody are indistinguishable.

  6. Those comments were starting to cause my face to melt off, Steve. But this is a very very accurate summary. After a while, the patterns start to emerge in those comments. Thanks for making me laugh.
