
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Overpriced books on global poverty


Atheist Missionary,

I have written on Unger's book here:

How sad that none of the theologically correct Calvinists at this blog thread seem particularly interested in what you, or Singer, or Unger, have to say about the world's poor and our moral obligations to them.

Living High and Letting Die: Our Illusion of Innocence [Hardcover]

Peter Unger (Author)



  1. Wow, I must really have struck a nerve with you for you to have sunk to the depths of deriding concern for the poor as "political correctness" and griping about the price of books by university presses.

    Just so you know, Unger donates all his royalties towards the alleviation of world poverty.

    Instead of making yourself look like a Pharisee you could actually just answer the question I posed.

  2. So your idea of helping the poor is to get a latte at Barnes & Noble, then buy a $120 book on global poverty.

  3. And does the publisher donate its share of the profits to alleviate world poverty?

  4.  RD Rauser, I think you are barking up the wrong tree. The contributors and readers of this blog are nothing if not well read. I have read Singer, Unger, Sandel , Darwin, Dawkins, Freud, Hegel, Hume, Hitchens, and many others. Probably most of us here believe in a generous education and in reading widely. I'm sure most of us could post of a rather impressive reading list.
    Moreover, you also are probably way off base in your accusation of whether or not we care. I expect that a number of us could also list things we have done/are doing to help to poor and our communities. You accuse without knowledge.

  5. RD Rauser said:
    Just so you know, Unger donates all his royalties towards the alleviation of world poverty.

    And every business transaction I make goes toward the alleviation of world poverty too. After all, everything I do affects, in its own little way, the world economy as a whole.

    See, I can self-aggrandize and justify everything too. I just don't root it in self-righteousness.
