
Sunday, January 23, 2011

For Pro-Choice Skeptics: Why the Inconsistency?

Since its sanctity of life Sunday, I thought I'd post this for our pro-choice skeptical friends:

I post this video not for the purposes of angering people (though it should anger you if you have a normally functioning conscience), but to ask one question:
Why is it that pro-choice atheists, skeptics, and other unbelievers will reel in horror over a girl throwing puppies in a river, but condone a woman's "right" to have her own unborn child dismembered in her own womb?
So, have at it in the combox my skeptical friends. It will be interesting watching you try to justify your inconsistency.


  1. Man. That is cruel. I remember my wife's Granny telling us she used to have to drown kittens in a bucket.

    Compared to abortion, this is insignificant really.

    Why would they video tape something like that?

  2. Well, if I were to play Loftus' advocate for a moment, I guess I would say that in the latter, the woman is only destroying a part of her body.

    Which seems to be the standard pro-choice argument I guess - doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

  3. A video of puppies being thrown into a river? PETA is going to have kittens.

  4. Damn... I feel like someone repeatedly slammed me in the chest with brass knuckles. I wish I had five minutes alone with that monster. At least then I'd have a valid legal excuse if she brought the matter to court.

    Too bad we couldn't expect the same treatment if abortion was the subject.

  5. Well, they would probably argue for two differences. 1. The puppies are out of womb. 2. Only the mother dog can make that decision.

  6. I've had to drown kittens before. Not the funnest thing ever, but sometimes things like that have to be done.

    I don't see the big deal about the video, but I do see how the pro-abortionists would go all loopy over that and not see the inconsistency in the way they smile all the way to the abortion clinic.

  7. Daryl writes: "I've had to drown kittens before. Not the funnest thing ever, but sometimes things like that have to be done."

    Is that a feeble attempt at satire? I assume you're either joking, a liar or psychotic.

    In any rate, abortion is one of those things that most people grudgingly tolerate in the early stages of pregnancy when there is some question as to the "personhood" of the fetus and to avoid excessive government intrusion in the lives of women.

    It's most only the nutcases at Planned Parenthood (who once sold t-shirts declaring "I Had an Abortion") who embrace abortion at any stage of development as a positive moral good. They have to, after all, as it's a cash cow for them.

  8. "In any rate, abortion is one of those things that most people grudgingly tolerate in the early stages of pregnancy when there is some question as to the "personhood" of the fetus..." -James

    James, weren't you a fetus? You were a person from conception my friend.

    I have a video for you, if you haven't seen it. It's hard to watch, but the truth is not always a tip toe through the tulpis.!/permalink.php?story_fbid=181397435233517&id=1401015879

    ps My wife's grand dad used to drown kittens in a bucket. Farm cats breed like crazy. To be honest it would be hard for me to drown a kitten or puppy.

  9. James,

    No, not satire, not joking, not lying, nor psychotic...

    But I don't live in the city either. In real life, things die. In real life, it's sometimes you who has to make it happen.

    Sorry to offend, but not every animal is or can be, a pet (and even pet's gotta go sometime), and sometimes survival can be worse than life.

    One the other hand, speaking of psychotic:

    "In any rate, abortion is one of those things that most people grudgingly tolerate in the early stages of pregnancy when there is some question as to the "personhood" of the fetus and to avoid excessive government intrusion in the lives of women."

    If that sounds normal to you, and killing kittens from necessity sounds psychotic, well then you've got more serious issues than just growing up in the city.
