
Sunday, September 05, 2010

Stephen Hawking vs God

James Anderson offers some preliminary, tentative thoughts on Stephen Hawking's recent claim that it's possible the universe created itself from nothing thereby precluding the need to appeal to God as creator.

(BTW, Hawking's claim reminds me of Alan Guth's similar claim in The Inflationary Universe.)


  1. Granted Stephen Hawking is smart, but he's not smarter than God.

    Talk about a mind being a terrible thing to waste...

  2. It was not so long ago that Hawking was telling us that a "Theory Of Everything" was on the way.

    But he has failed in that quest.

    So, given that this is probably his last book, he has decided to simply DECLARE VICTORY and go home, although he even must realize he has not acheived his goal.

    (He did get a sustantial cash advance at least.)
