
Monday, August 30, 2010

Plymouth Brethren

Are any of the contributors to this blog Brethren?
By halo on La Paulina Commedia on 8/29/10

This is a recent question on an ancient post, so I’ll answer it here.

To my knowledge, none of the bloggers at Tblog is Plymouth Brethren. Mind you, I don’t ask folks what church they attend when I invite them to join. I judge them by their general theological orientation.

Tblog has at least one Plymouth Brethren site on the blogroll. Although I disagree with Plymouth Brethren polity, inasmuch as I do think the NT teaches church office, albeit a barebones variety, the Plymouth Brethren represent an honorable theological tradition. On the high church/low church continuum, I myself am clearly near the low church end of the spectrum.

The Plymouth Brethren represent a limiting case of Protestant polity. I wouldn’t go quite that far myself. On the other hand, church office in many evangelical churches often more specialized than what we find in the NT.


  1. Just as an aside, one Plymouth Brethren who has been doing some fine apologetics work these days is John Lennox.

  2. But the best of the PB is David Gooding, a tremendous teacher and writer:

  3. Although he would deny being "Plymouth Brethren" (as I would also deny it of him and myself), George Muller has still had a great influence on the "Brethren movement" and I would consider his works and life testimony the greatest of the movement. Also Anthony Norris Groves and Bill MacDonald has been very influential.
