
Thursday, July 01, 2010

Submitting to the Pope

Option D: This makes the most sense. Catholic and Orthodox ecclesiology takes into account the fact that people will disagree about the content of Divine revelation. Not that disagreement implies errancy or falibility, but without a magisterium that is supernaturally protected from error, there is no way for me to be sure I am getting the interpretation that is the right one. If I am able to toss out the 7th ecumenical council (as nearly all Protestants do) because it doesn't match my interpretation, where will the tossing out stop? If church councils themselves are to be judged by a 21st century layman, theologically untrained, and unordained Christian like me, what is the point then of church councils other than to provide some really good advise from some really great men from the history of our faith? If they were not being guided into all truth by the Holy Spirit in these councils, with the expectation that all believers should submit to their decisions, then what use are they other than to help me form my own interpretation to submit to? The ecclesiologies that claim to have living, breathing successors of the apostles which are Divinely gifted with the ability to define doctrine in certain situations are the only ecclesiologies that make sense. The Catholic Church is the only option left.

Question: during the Western Schism (e.g. Avignon Papacy), to which Pope would David Meyer submit himself?

1 comment:

  1. I just had a chance to read this entire letter, and it's sad what constitutes "reasoning" by some people.

    To openly what point does it become an offense to God to have one of His creatures say, "I know you gave me this gray matter inside my noggin' to use it to think through subjects, and I know you gave me Your infallible Word and all; but see, I'm just too lazy to actually use those things. Give me a dictator with a tall, pointy hat to order me what to do like a good lemming. I'll pretend it's 'authority' instead of laziness on my part."
