
Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Apostasy & Perseverance (An ebook by Steve Hays)

Steve Hays has written an ebook entitled Apostasy & Perseverance <--click to read it--and yes, it's free!

To whet your appetite, here's what's in it!
I. Introduction

II. Exegetical Theology

A. Major Motif

B. Locus Classicus

Heb 6 & 10

C. Paradigm Passages

1. Rom 1:18-25

2. Mt 13:1-23

3. 1 Cor 10:13

4. Mt 12:31-32

5. 1 Jn 2:19

6. 1 John 5:16-17

D. Secondary Passages

1. Mt 24:10-12,24

2. Jn 15:1-6

3. Rom 14:15

4. Gal 5:4

5. 1 Tim 4:1-5

6. 2 Pet 2:1,20-21

7. Rev 3:5

8. Rev 22:19

E. Paradigm Cases

1. Lucifer

i. Gen 3:1-5

ii. Isa 14:12-14

iii. Ezk 28:11-19

iv. Lk 10:18-20

v. 2 Pet 2:4 & Jude 6

vi. Rev 8:10 & 9:1

vii. Rev 12:7-9

2. Adam & Eve

F. Secondary Cases

i. Ahab

ii. Ahaz

iii. Asaph

iv. David

v. Demas

vi. Eli

vii. Hymenaeus

viii. Jehorem

ix. Jeroboam

x. John the Baptist

xi. Judaizers

xii. Judas

xiii. Manasseh

xiv. Peter

xv. Saul

xvi. Simon Magus

xvi. Solomon

III. Philosophical Theology

1. Original Sin

2. Apostasy & Assurance

3. Counterfactual Precautions

IV. Excurses

Excursus 1: Literary Allusions in Heb 6

Excursus 2: Thomas Schreiner

Excursus 3: Luke Timothy Johnson

Excursus 4: Buist Fanning

Excursus 5: Arminianism & Apostasy

Excursus 6: Ophidian Symbolism

Excursus 7: Ophidian Possession

V. Bibliography
As you can see, it covers a lot of ground, and is well-worth reading if you are a Calvinist or Arminian.


  1. Thanks for the effort put into this. It looks like it will be very interesting! I'll be reading it tonight! :)

  2. Wow! Thanks for putting your time and effort into this, Steve.

  3. My name is Stephen Hwang.
    I am very interested in translating the above contents into Korean and publishing it.
    What should I do to get your permission?
    Please let me know.

    My email address is

    Pastor, Stephen Hwang.
    Graduated from M.Div of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia.
