
Thursday, July 01, 2010

Against the bizarro syllogism for going Roman Catholic

"Against the bizarro syllogism for going Roman Catholic" by Mike Horne

1 comment:

  1. I've noticed a very similar common thread in many examples of the Catholic E-pologist Conversion Story genre that runs along the following lines:

    "In June 1987, I was received into the Catholic Church after satisfying myself, through an exhaustive historical and theological study, that it is the denomination whose doctrines are most consistent with the teachings of the Apostles."

    "So how's the scoreboard look in the 23 years since? Does Catholicism still score highest? Have you re-checked your original judgment?"

    "Of course not? It would be presumptuous for me to attempt to sit in judgment of the teachings of Christ's True Church. In addition, it is impossible using one's own private judgment to determine which denomination's doctrines are most consistent with the teachings of the Apostles."

    In other words, "Upon this rock..." as the private interpretation to end all private interpretation.
