
Friday, June 04, 2010

Zombie Pope

Truth Unites... and Divides said:
"The pope, Archbishop of Canterbury, and US Conference of Bishops would deplore discrimination against zombies."

I'd think the pope would stand up against the zombies.
I'm sorry, TUAD, but I think it may already be too late!

Of course, this is JPII.

No word on Benedict XVI's undead status . . . yet!


  1. Labels: Humor, Patrick Chan, Zombies

    Patrick, you're a mild fellow. Usually. But I'm not too sure whether many Catholics or even many Protestants or Orthodox will see the humor in your post.

    They should know that you were saying it in jest. But they'll think it was in poor taste.

    Just my lousy 2 cents worth opinion.

  2. TUAD said:

    But I'm not too sure whether many Catholics or even many Protestants or Orthodox will see the humor in your post . . . they'll think it was in poor taste.

    Uh oh. I'd surely hate to offend someone's sensibilities regarding the pope - especially when Catholics maintain the pope is such a firm defender of the gospel, sound teacher of the Bible, and faithful shepherd of the church! Mea culpa.

    On the other hand, I think a Catholic like George A. Romero might be okay with Zombie Pope.

  3. I clicked on that link you provided, Patrick.

    Romero: "These characters are questioning whether we should be so quick to dispose of zombies. Because what if you shoot Grandma in the head and next week there’s a cure for zombism? (Laughs.) I guess that’s the Catholic in me."

    That doesn't mean he'd be okay with a zombie Pope!


    Anyways, what's kinda ironically funny is that I think the Christians are the good guys and the secular liberal atheists are the Zombies. But they think the exact opposite and that Christians are the zombies and they're the good guys.


    Or like in The Matrix. I think Christians are like Neo and we take the red pill (representing red state conservativism, heh!) and we see things as they really are. And the liberal non-Christians are the ones being duped, and happy with their blue pill liberalism.

    And these libbers see it in the exact inverse. That they see reality as it really is and that Christians are duped into believing in a non-existent God.

    How do you evangelize a liberal zombie stuck in a hellish matrix?

    Lurching Zombie Sinner Repent!

    Otherwise, if you get within 20 feet of me... head shot!

  4. Nothing wrong with criticizing those whom you consider hold a faulty theology--but to arrogantly mock a man who bravely stood up for the Christian faith under the Nazi regime, did his part to help Jews, was one of the primary forces in dismantling communism in Poland, and met with and forgave the man who shot him, this does no credit to you. For a moment I thought I was debating intelligent, thoughtful Christians on this website; your post proves me wrong in this regard.

  5. Someone call the waaaaambulance. An idol got insulted.

  6. Ahh.




    Now ya gets da whole blog a bad repertation. See what ya done.

    "For a moment I thought I was debating intelligent, thoughtful Christians on this website; your post proves me wrong in this regard."

    Ya still are. Intelligent thoughtful Christians can still have a goofy, warped sense of humor sometimes. That's sometimes inappropriate.

    Please forgive.

  7. Truth Unites: Thanks. I forgive.

  8. Christine said:

    Nothing wrong with criticizing those whom you consider hold a faulty theology--but to arrogantly mock a man who bravely stood up for the Christian faith under the Nazi regime, did his part to help Jews, was one of the primary forces in dismantling communism in Poland, and met with and forgave the man who shot him, this does no credit to you.

    1. Oh, no! But what if a man does good things yet at the same time holds to faulty beliefs? For example, Mussolini created thousands of jobs. He raised certain moral standards in Italy. He helped Italians take pride in themselves as well as in their nation as a nation. He got the trains to run on time.

    2. On the one hand, you say there's nothing wrong with criticizing someone who holds to faulty theology. But on the other hand, you think it's arrogant to mock.

    Of course, this assumes mocking is arrogant.

    Also, this assumes criticism and mocking can't sometimes go hand-in-hand.

    3. In any case, sorry for offending your sensibilities regarding JPII! As I said to TUAD, mea culpa.

    For a moment I thought I was debating intelligent, thoughtful Christians on this website; your post proves me wrong in this regard.


    I'm a stand-in for the entire blog now?

    Also, you've debated me? This is news! In order to have a debate I would've thought there'd need to be at least two parties involved (among other things). Rather, this seems more like a one-sided, schoolmarmish chide than a debate.

    But it's quite possible I'm mistaken. If so, please don't cry havoc and let slip the church lady on me!

    TUAD said:





    Yeah, you sure were right, TUAD! It looks I'll have to try and avoid future sacred cow tipping.

    Now ya gets da whole blog a bad repertation. See what ya done.

    Wow, I didn't know I had such an influence!

    Again, I'm sorry to disappoint your immaculate expectations, TUAD.

  9. It's alright Patrick.

    All is well.

    But just watch out for secular liberal zombies!
