
Sunday, May 09, 2010

Top Gun or Top Goon?

[From] A friend of the Catholic Legate Director John Pacheco, Nick, sent John this e-mail:

Hi John,

I'm sure you're tired of this subject, but in case you missed it, one of Eric Svendsen's top goons has posted this on his blog. It appears Svendsen has officially gone out of business, just like the Hollywood Video chain.


Yes, I've long suspected that James Swan is Svendsen's muscle. I assume he pays Mr. Swan in non-sequential C-notes, delivered in manilla envelopes to a PO Box. I always envision Swan seated in a 1968 black Dodge Charger (R/T 440 Magnum), with black gloves and dark glasses, a la Bullitt.


  1. Hah! "....The Catholic Church is the light of this dark world....".

    Isn't that the Truth! You read that in the intro over at the Catholic blog linke hereon. Here is Jesus' own Words confirming just how "dark" their light is that is the "light" of this dark world:::>

    Mat 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
    Mat 6:22 "The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light,
    Mat 6:23 but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!

    Now, in contrast, here is Jesus' testimony of Himself about "Who" He is "in" this world, not of it:::>

    Joh 8:12 Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

    Hey, what's so wrong with a "Swan seated in a 1968 black Dodge Charger (R/T 440 Magnum), with black gloves and dark glasses, a la Bullitt." anyway? Sound rather forboding to me! "Darkness, here I come"!

  2. As in the thread at Beggars All, Nick presents no evidence that the heos hou thesis led to Svendsen going "out of business." And he makes some rather strong claims for admittedly never having read Who Is My Mother?

  3. Now that I'm part of the "organization," I can (probably not-so-safely) say that his style more closely resembles that of Al Pacino:

  4. "I always envision Swan seated in a 1968 black Dodge Charger (R/T 440 Magnum), with black gloves and dark glasses, a la Bullitt."

    And don't forget the stocky white haired gentleman sitting next to him with a Winchester pump.

  5. I can state with certainty that the reason I "went out of business" (such a phrase assumes an importance to internet polemics that I don't accept) is because I'm no longer inclined to cast pearls before swine. Just the thought of returning to the cesspool of miscreants like Armstrong, Pacheco or Shea is all the confirmation I need that I made the right decision. To a man, not one of them has read beyond the second chapter of my book. Heos Hou is a compelling point of grammar (in spite of the inane observations of the unstable and unlearned), but it is certainly not the major thesis of the book (which, as the subtitle suggests, is about the "role and status" of Mary). The main thesis, rather, is that the NT portrays Mary as one having no special status due to biological ties. If Roman miscreants ever get to chapter 4 they might well have something new to talk about. Or maybe they have read the rest of the book but have concluded they have no answer to it. Either way, none of them has any business discussing the Greek construction since clearly none of them has any training in the language.
