
Saturday, April 03, 2010

Go, Stand, and Speak!

Several from our local church engage the lost weekly through open-air preaching and one-on-one evangelism. The following video is a preview for an upcoming documentary supporting the lost art of open-air preaching. Would to God that pastors would get out of their comfortable offices and find a "fishing hole" to preach at!

HT: Lane's Blog


  1. Okay, so a Christian should go out into the public arena and speak.

    What should he say? Should he speak through a bullhorn or just hold up placards and wait to be approached and hand out tracts?

    I'm not being flippant, I'm just curious as to what the desired approach is.

    If you're a Calvinist, do you tell people the whole truth as you see it, or just the "Good News" part? Do you tell them that perhaps Christ really didn't die for them and that they might be without hope?


    "If you're a Calvinist, do you tell people the whole truth as you see it, or just the 'Good News' part? Do you tell them that perhaps Christ really didn't die for them and that they might be without hope?"

    We tell them that whoever believes in Jesus shall not perish but have everlasting life (Jn 3:16).

  3. "Do you tell them that perhaps Christ really didn't die for them and that they might be without hope?"

    Uh, that's putting the cart before the horse (and it seems you might be misunderstanding Calvinism, as well). Divine election is God's business, not ours. God commands us merely to preach the gospel, because evangelism is the means by which God draws the lost to repentance.

    If we spread the truth faithfully and someone is interested in Christ and responds positively towards His gospel, then yes, Christ DID die for them.

    If someone mocks his sacrifice and scorns his free gift, then no, his atoning blood will not cover them, and it may be worthwhile to point that out, so the high stakes are clearly known.

    No hope apart from Christ.
