
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Pictures of God's World

My parents are missionaries with MTW, the missions organization of the PCA. Currently, they are on HMA (which is the PCA’s way of adding another acronym to the mix). I believe HMA stands for “Home Ministry Assignment” but the M could be “Mission” or something else for all I know (I have enough trouble keeping the WCF, BOCO, WIC, RE, and TE acronyms sorted in my skull). Basically, what HMA means is that they’re back in the states to do fundraising before heading back overseas.

As part of their fundraising, my parents recently took a trip to the Pacific Northwest, which, me being Presbyterian and all, I believe we must henceforth refer to as the PAC-NW. While there, my mom took many pictures of the scenery they passed through and uploaded them to her blog and Facebook account. I happen to think that my mom takes some of the best pictures (I know I’m biased there, but I’m also right so take that Ansel Adams). So unbeknownst to her, I stole a bunch of her pictures and uploaded them into this video along with some music I wrote based on the Ebenezer theme written by Thomas J. Williams in 1890 (this is the theme used for the hymn “O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus”):

If I got the details correct, most of the pictures are from Washington and Oregon, but there are also some from California (i.e., the Joshua trees). I think my mom did a good job of capturing the beauty of God’s creation.