
Monday, February 15, 2010

An Acorn in Babylon

Nuts About Nuts: Cardinal Newman and the Theory of Development
~Gene Clyatt

Product Details
Hardcover: 1155 pages
Publisher: Oxford University Press (3rd ed., 2010)
Language: English, Akkadian
Product Dimensions: Nutshell

Editorial Reviews
Drawing upon decades of field experience in sorting and sifting mixed nuts, the Squirrel in Babylon is uniquely qualified to evaluate Newman’s organic theory of development. J. I. Packer, Anglican Theological Review

With advanced degrees in botany, forestry, and church history, the Squirrel in Babylon traces the theory of development through its High Germanic roots (hence the Yiddish expression, “Nuz to you!”) back to the Egyptian cult of the sky goddess Nut (alternatively spelled Nuit, Newet, and Neuth). Timothy George, Beeson Journal

In this groundbreaking study, the Squirrel in Babylon corrects a traditional misidentification: the Roman acorn is actually an old chestnut. Francis Beckwith, Return to the Nuthouse

After reading this historical monograph, the Holy Father has decided to sell Vatican City to Walt Disney Studies and join the Southern Baptist Convention. Walter Cardinal Kasper, L'Osservatore Romano


  1. I have heard that Packer tries to get an editorial endorsement on every book ever published.

  2. ROFL!!!!! I have sick, weird friends. I have not written a book.

    This is just too funny!


  3. And I wrote in English and Akkadian?!?! LOL!

    Glad to see that it is in it's 3rd edition...



  4. Yes, a squirrel in "Babylon"must have a working knowledge of Akkadian. Which makes you a very erudite member of the Sciuridae.

  5. Oh... & Steve... Thanks for the smiles!

    And keep watching A Squirrel in Babylon! New stuff coming soon!


  6. lol!!! this is funny, I can't wait for this "amazing" book to come out. I might preoder it on

